Day 12
Written by Mira

On day 12 we packed up the camper and moved to just outside Capitol Reef. Once we set up the camper we ate lunch and headed into the park. We went to the visitor center to learn about the park. We learned that it’s named Capitol Reef because there is a rock formation that looks like the Capitol.

We also went to a little park area where a few deer were hanging out. There were three total, two females and one male. The buck had antlers and the antlers still had the velvet on them. Which means the antlers were fuzzy.

Day 13
Written by Brynn
Day 13 was sort of busy in the morning. First, we went to do 2 very short hikes. It was already heating up, so we tried to do them quickly. They were super easy. The views were very pretty and cool, also!

Then, we went to a super old schoolhouse. It was so small! I bet it could fit only about 11 or 12 people. It was also very dusty inside.
Next, we went to see a wall of petroglyphs. Mira and I saw a bunch of pronghorns carved into the wall. There were also a lot of people, too. That was the most that we have seen so far!

Finally, we were about to go back to the camper, but then we saw a “U-Pick” sign for an orchard! We were trying to find one yesterday, but the fence was locked. The orchard was an Apricot orchard! Mira and I were super excited because we LOVE Apricots! There we also 2 deer! We made sure to stay far away though! Mira said that she saw a tree FULL of Apricots! So we went over and picked at least 30 Apricots! We went to go pay for them and went back to the camper. The Apricots were amazing! Definitely recommend!
Written by Mira
That night Grandpa and I went to an area in the park for some night photography. There were no people around us so, unlike last time we went to do some night photography. (When we first went for night photography in Bryce) I actually got to use the camera to take pictures for myself, instead of showing people how to take pictures of the Milky Way on their phones.

We look forward to sharing our adventures with you!
Brynn & Mira
Great writing, and I really enjoy seeing the trip from your point of view. I hope you continue to have a wonderful time.
I loved the picture of the Milky Way! Stars are my favorite.
I love the picture of the two of you walking hand in hand up that rocky hill!
What a wonderful trip this has been so far. You will have such great memories of the time spent with your grandparents. Love the photos and all the commentary.
Hi, my loves! I miss you!