We’re retired and traveling.
I (Kathe) worked in the field of education for nearly four decades–special education teacher, literacy educator, teacher trainer, and educational consultant. What a ride! I retired in 2009 and in the meantime I’m enjoying my time as a grandparent, volunteer, singer in church and several community-based choirs, reader, biker, fiber artist (spinning, knitting, weaving, rughooking), and most recently, as a mah jongg player.
Al is (oops, was–he’s now (recently) retired) a software engineer. The last eight years of his 40+ year career have been at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, a genomics research facility. He has volunteered on the MDI Search and Rescue team, sung in church choir, and has offered his computer skills to several local non-profits including our church. He looks forward to much more time for grandparenting, reading, computer time (as a hobby), biking, hiking, and playing with several new toys including a drone and GoPro.